PTA Association Meetings

What are Association Meetings?

All PTA members are the “association” for a school's PTA and play an important part in conducting the business of a PTA. By participating in association meetings, general members have the opportunity to make motions, provide input on agenda items and make collective decisions by voting on actions for a PTA. They also vote to approve programs and activities recommended by the executive board. And, they are responsible for adopting budgets and audits as well as approving the expenditures of a PTA.

ALL parents and caregivers are encouraged to attend association meetings (whether or not you are a PTA member), however voting is reserved for PTA members.

Meeting schedule for 2024-25

Wednesday, September 4th @ 5:30pm | Location: Auditorium

Friday, January 15th @ 5:30pm | Location: Auditorium

Wednesday, April 9th @ 5:30pm | Location: Auditorium

Friday, April 18th @ 5:30pm | Location: tbd

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